Why is Word Counting Important in SEO

Whether word count will affect SEO has been debated for a long. Many factors go into SEO; understanding what Google gives you as a base guideline matters a lot.

Most expert says your content goal should correlate directly with your word count. Andrew Siskind states, "It's not really about long or short – it's about matching the length of the post to the topic and the audience."

So, is a longer word count better for SEO? Does word count affect SEO? What is the ideal word count for SEO? Let's answer these questions and many more. But before that, what is SEO?

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves improving your site visibility when people search for a specific keyword. The higher your site's visibility, the more it garners attention and attracts customers. That said, let's explore why word counting is essential in SEO. Keep reading!

Is a longer word count better for SEO?

The goal of the content is what matters with the word count. It means a different word count for other purposes in different scope. If you're creating a blog post to explain a single keyword short blog post will be perfect, and if making a blog post with various keywords long blog post will be great. Understanding what your user wants and creating rich content will give your audience more information and increase visibility.
Here are reasons why word count is important in SEO:

It helps you select your readers

Word is essential in SEO as it helps you select your readers. Some readers find it suitable for a long article, while others prefer short content. It would be wise to do thorough research of your keyword and understand the word count google likes. Also, it will be perfect for writing quality and relevant content that directly answers user intent.

Serve as a guide to understand the depth of the subject

Another reason word count is essential in SEO is that it serves as a guide to understanding the depth of the issue. Understanding the depth required to address the subject matter is crucial in SEO. Whether short or long, ensure your target audience finds the value of your article.

Improves Bounce rates

When you have high-quality long-form content, visitors who visit your page tend to stay longer scanning through the page. The more they stay, the lower the bounce rate, which helps SEO. Your article is valuable to them, and Google will work on how long visitors stay on your page.


Long content has more data and tends to offer readers more information. Long-form content attracts many backlinks, and backlinks matter a lot to SEO. It helps the content to drive more conversion and receive more authority. It will also help you to keep your content natural. Goggle punishes very short or thin content.


Word count impacts content efficacy and conversion rate. Understanding what works for your audience is what will determine your word count. Whether short or long, keep in mind creating rich content that answers users' intent.